Carretera Austral Part 1
“Ripio” is the Chilean name for the unpaved surface that is commonly used on the highways in Patagonia. It’s made of stones and dust, so it can be loose and bumpy. Other sections have some soil or water in the mix, making it easier to bike on. I’m not fond of ripio, but it is an essential part of the Carretera Austral experience.
Ripio, dry and loose.
Luckily, that’s the only photo of gravel I’ll be posting, the rest of the views are much nicer. The Carretera Austral follows the river valleys and coastlines of Patagonia, making for incredible landscapes. At the northern end, there is a series of three ferries (one takes three hours). This keeps car and truck traffic to a minimum; sometimes I didn’t see another vehicle for 30 minutes or so.
Link to my route: