The Ride

Every year, bike tourists travel the length of the Americas, and also ride portions of it. Everybody’s trip is unique, and mine is no exception. The start time, location, and direction of my trip was uncertain due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This uncertainty continues, so we will see where I end up! I’ll also be assessing how quickly I travel, and how that relates to the seasons in the southern hemisphere.

I began my trip in Colombia in late September 2021. Due to a closed border and seasons changing, I flew once to Chile and reversed the direction. I have been following the route shown below in three separate sections.

Bike Tour Map.png

Update! This is the route I actually took.

Orange = Bicycle, Purple = Boat, Brown = Bus

Live Location

I carry a satellite communicator that will often show where I was recently. Follow the link below to see my progress. Clicking on “7d” will show the past week.